Oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall window frame cleaning contractor in New York. Cleaning anodized aluminum curtain wall window frames in Los Angeles, restoring oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall window frames in Chicago. Architectural metal restoration specialists refinishing old anodized aluminum curtain wall window frames.
Oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration, faded painted aluminum curtain wall refinishing and dirty stainless steel curtain wall safe eco-friendly cleaning products. Stainless steel curtain wall restoration environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals in Houston.
Mold stained stainless steel curtain wall cleaning contractor in Miami, oxidized stainless steel curtain wall maintenance washing, iron oxide rust stained stainless steel curtain wall refinishing and hard water stained stainless steel curtain wall restoration.
Weathered anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration in San Diego, chalky painted aluminum curtain wall refinishing and corroded stainless steel curtain wall cleaning chemicals. Degraded stainless steel curtain wall restoration safe eco-friendly cleaning products. Oxidized metal curtain wall window mullion cleaning.
Mildew covered stainless steel curtain wall cleaning, stained stainless steel curtain wall maintenance washing, tarnished stainless steel curtain wall refinishing and dirty stainless steel curtain wall restoration. Stained anodized aluminum curtain wall window frame refinishing.
Oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration, faded painted aluminum curtain wall refinishing and dirty stainless steel curtain wall cleaning. Stainless steel curtain wall restoration cleaning. Cleaning dirty curtain wall panels.
Commercial stainless steel curtain wall cleaning chemicals, stained stainless steel curtain wall maintenance washing, high-rise stainless steel curtain wall refinishing and Skyscraper stainless steel curtain wall refinishing. Oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration company.
Oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration, faded painted aluminum curtain wall refinishing and dirty stainless steel curtain wall cleaning. Stainless steel curtain wall restoration cleaning. Dirty metal curtain wall refinishing contractor, washing dirty anodized aluminum curtain wall window frames.
We have metal maintenance programs and metal restoration coatings for the cleaning, preservation, protection, maintenance and restoration of exterior curtain wall metal finishes. As curtain wall consulting and contracting experts, we clean, maintain, refinish and restore commercial and industrial curtain wall anodized aluminum, painted aluminum and stainless steel finishes.

Stained anodized aluminum curtain wall washing, faded painted aluminum curtain wall cleaning and rusting stainless steel curtain wall cleaning, maintenance, refinishing and restoration services.Contact the metal curtain wall refinishing, curtain wall restoration and curtain wall preservation specialists.
Architectural metal curtain wall consulting, contracting, maintaining, metal polishing, metal refinishing. Faded curtain wall restoration and curtain wall cleaning, refinishing, polishing, painting, maintenance and restoration.  Restoring oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall, cleaning faded painted aluminum curtain wall and stainless steel refinishing experts.

Sun damaged stainless steel curtain wall cleaning, discolored stainless steel curtain wall refinishing, faded stainless steel curtain wall restoration and pitted stainless steel curtain wall cleaning services that restore the color, gloss, luster, sheen and visual appearance.
Dirty stainless steel curtain wall cleaning chemicals, stained stainless steel curtain wall maintenance washing, rusting stainless steel curtain wall refinishing and oxidized stainless steel curtain wall restorationDirty curtain wall panel cleaning.
Oxidized stainless steel curtain wall cleaning products, caulking stained stainless steel curtain wall refinishing contractor, oxidized stainless steel curtain wall restoration and commercial stainless steel curtain wall restoration cleaning programs.
Dirty stainless steel curtain wall cleaning, stained stainless steel curtain wall maintenance washing, rusting stainless steel curtain wall refinishing and oxidized stainless steel curtain wall restorationDirty curtain wall panel cleaning.
Metal curtain wall maintenance and restoration. Anodized aluminum, painted aluminum, stainless steel curtainwall cleaning, painting, restoring, maintaining, refinishing, maintenance and building restoration.
Commercial curtain wall cleaning, polishing, faded paint restoration, maintaining, metal refinishing and restoring faded painted aluminum, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, maintenance and preservation.

Dirty stainless steel curtain wall cleaning chemicals, rusting stainless steel curtain wall refinishing, oxidized stainless steel curtain wall restoration and pitted stainless steel curtain wall cleaning solutions that restore the color, gloss, luster, sheen and visual appearance.

Client Case Studies: 1-100  I  Before & After Photo Gallery  I  Client Testimonials  I  Contact York Property Co.

York Property Company provides high quality caulking stained stainless steel curtain wall cleaning, oxidized stainless steel curtain wall refinishing, corroded stainless steel curtain wall restoration and dirty stainless steel curtain wall restoration cleaning solutions that restore the color, gloss, luster, sheen and visual appearance.

Our highly trained company technicians clean, repair, refinish and restore architectural stainless steel curtain wall surface finishes on-site.

Talk to the Experts:  Contact the architectural metal curtain wall refinishing industry experts today at 610.442.2131 and request a comprehensive analysis of your building's dirty, aged, weathered and mold and mildew stained stainless steel curtain wall metal finishes.

Schedule a Site Visit:  Our industry-leading, skilled, experienced and knowledgeable technical consultants will specify a customized long-lasting and cost-effective sun damaged stainless steel curtain wall cleaning, salt etched stainless steel curtain wall maintenance washing, rusting stainless steel curtain wall refinishing and oxidized stainless steel curtain wall restoration specification that will beautify, recondition, improve, restore and protect all your architectural metal finishes.

>> View the York Property Company Before & After Photo Gallery here. <<

Oxidized and dirty curtain wall panels.

Restored and protected curtain wall panels.
Oxidized, faded, corroded and stained anodized aluminum curtain wall panels. Washing, restoring and protecting faded and weathered anodized aluminum curtain wall clad panels.

We understand the materials selection to clean, refinish, paint, maintain and restore our client's unique anodized aluminum curtain wall requirements.

York Property Company specializes in oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration, faded painted aluminum curtain wall refinishing and dirty stainless steel curtain wall cleaning.

We have metal maintenance programs and metal restoration coatings for the cleaning, preservation, protection, maintenance and restoration of exterior curtain wall metal finishes. As curtain wall consulting and contracting experts, we clean, maintain, refinish and restore commercial and industrial curtain wall anodized aluminum, painted aluminum and stainless steel finishes.

Case Study 66 - Restoring Faded Painted Aluminum Curtain Wall Window Mullions

Faded painted aluminum curtain wall window mullion refinishing products, methods and materials.

>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The painted aluminum metal curtain wall window mullions and metal panels had degraded from years of exposure and the lack of preventive maintenance. The painted aluminum curtain wall was faded and stained from horizontal sealant runoff.

York Property Company Solution:  The eleven storey curtain wall was not clean, visually displeasing and required refinishing. We cleaned and restored the oxidized paint with our faded paint restoration system. The Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc. building looks new and clean.

Case Study 34 - Oxidized Painted Aluminum Curtain Wall Refinishing

Professional oxidized curtain wall restoration cleaning contractor and restoring faded and bleached painted aluminum curtain wall window extrusions.
>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The original paint coating on the painted aluminum curtain wall panels of this luxury residential condominium had faded. The paint was oxidized, chalked and bleached.  The condominium owners and management wanted a curtain wall cleaning and restoration solution.

York Property Company Solution:  To clean and protect the paint from further deterioration, we refurbished the curtain wall original paint finish with our painted aluminum cleaning and restoration system. When completed the painted aluminum curtain wall panels were clean and restored to the original condition.

Case Study 3 - Dirty and Oxidized Stainless Steel Curtain Wall Restoration

Stained, rusting and UV damaged exterior curtain wall stainless steel panel restoration cleaning.

>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The stainless steel curtain wall metal panels on this San Jose, California entertainment complex had degraded from ten years of exposure to the sun, waterborne and airborne contaminants. Ownership wanted the curtain wall stainless steel panels clean and refurbished.

York Property Company Solution:  As stainless steel curtain wall metal restoration specialists we specified the correct restoration cleaning methods and materials and were contracted to restore the stainless steel curtain wall to the original luster for the ten year anniversary. The panels are now clean.

Case Study 84 - Faded and Stained Painted Aluminum Curtain Wall Refinishing

Restoration cleaning and restoring curtain wall faded and oxidized painted aluminum curtain wall window mullions.
>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The painted aluminum curtain wall was oxidized, chalked, faded and stained. Management decided for tenant and aesthetic considerations that restoring the exterior curtain wall painted aluminum metal panels on the building was appropriate.

York Property Company Solution:  Using our painted metal restoration system this eight storey curtain wall was transformed back to the original dark green with the original luster and sheen. This Class "A" building will look clean and new for many years to come and is protected from the elements.

Case Study 99 - Degraded Anodized Aluminum Curtain Wall Window Mullion Refinishing

Degraded bronze anodized aluminum window mullion metal refinishing products.

>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The anodized aluminum curtain wall window mullions on this Winston-Salem commercial credit union building had degraded from a lack of preventive maintenance. The anodized aluminum metal was faded, oxidized and stained. Ownership wanted the aluminum clean.

York Property Company Solution:  To protect the anodized aluminum curtain wall window mullions from the damaging elements restoration cleaning was specified with our anodized aluminum clear protective coating. This process cleans, protects and preserves anodized aluminum surfaces.

Case Study 42 - Stained and Oxidized Stainless Steel Curtain Wall Cleaning

Restoration cleaning chemicals and restoring dull, faded and oxidized stainless steel curtain wall panels.
>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The majority of the curtain wall components at this location are tinted vision glass. The horizontal banding is made of anodized aluminum and stainless steel. These curtain wall metals were stained and oxidized. Cleaning and restoring the architectural metals was required.

York Property Company Solution:  This building is the head office of a development company and the way the curtain wall anodized aluminum and stainless steel looked was unacceptable. We specified and then restored the anodized aluminum and stainless steel panels to like new.

Case Study 21 - Weathered Anodized Aluminum Curtain Wall Panel Restoration

Weathered anodized aluminum curtain wall window mullion and panel cleaning, refinishing and restoration methods and materials.

>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The anodized aluminum curtain wall panels, column covers and mullions had degraded from years of exposure. The anodized aluminum curtain wall was dirty, faded and oxidized. The new building owner wanted to clean, restore and resolve the aesthetic issues.

York Property Company Solution:  This twenty-one storey commercial building curtain wall required our metal refinishing expertise to clean the anodized aluminum to the original sheen and luster while maintaining the integrity of the anodized aluminum curtain wall finish for years to come.

Case Study 94 - Acid Etched Anodized Aluminum Curtain Wall Construction Cleaning

Curtain wall restoration cleaning to resolve acid etched anodized aluminum window frames.
>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The anodized aluminum curtain wall window mullions on this Greeley, Colorado commercial building were oxidized and stained during the mortar acid cleaning process. The anodized aluminum new construction project was compromised by the etching and stains.

York Property Company Solution:  The General Contractor, requested that we remedy this unfortunate situation. We were able to come on-site and restore the newly installed curtain wall window mullion sections as if they had not been damaged. The anodized aluminum looked new and clean when the construction cleaning was complete.

Case Study 53 - Faded Painted Aluminum Curtain Wall Building Restoration

Curtain wall faded paint metal building restoration.

>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The service life of the painted aluminum on this thirty-seven storey luxury residential condominium curtain wall had expired. To restore the faded painted aluminum curtain wall our faded paint restoration system was specified to maintain the appearance and protect the paint.

York Property Company Solution:  The execution of the painted aluminum curtain wall restoration project was complex. As a residence to hundreds of condominium owners we had to be sensitive to their privacy. Curtain wall cleaning and refinishing working hours were tailored to not disturb the occupants.

Case Study 60 - Faded Painted Aluminum Curtain Wall Restoration Cleaning

Faded painted aluminum curtain wall mullion cleaning, refinishing and restoration.
>> View Case Study here.

Condition:  The painted aluminum curtain wall extrusions and metal panels on this eleven storey Class "A" commercial building were severely chalked and faded. Management decided for tenant and aesthetic considerations to clean and restore the curtain wall faded paint.

York Property Company Solution:  To clean and restore the curtain wall oxidized and faded paint we installed our faded paint restoration system. The painted aluminum curtain wall extrusions and metal panels were transformed back to a protected condition with the original sheen and luster.

Contact the anodized aluminum, painted aluminum and stainless steel curtain wall metal refinishing experts at York Property Company.

York Property Company provides professional dirty anodized aluminum curtain wall cleaning, rusting stainless steel curtain wall refinishing, oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall restoration and pitted stainless steel curtain wall remedial restoration solutions that restore the color, gloss, luster, sheen and visual appearance.

Our highly trained company technicians clean, repair, refinish and restore architectural anodized aluminum and stainless steel curtain wall surface finishes on-site.

Consult with an Expert:  Contact the architectural metal curtain wall restoration specialists today at 610.442.2131 and request a comprehensive analysis of your building's dirty, aged, weathered and blemished anodized aluminum and stainless steel curtain wall metal finishes.

Our industry-leading, skilled, experienced and knowledgeable technical consultants will specify a customized long-lasting and cost-effective dirty stainless steel curtain wall washing, stained anodized aluminum curtain wall remedial maintenance cleaning, rusting stainless steel curtain wall restoration and oxidized anodized aluminum curtain wall refinishing specification that will beautify, recondition, preserve, restore and protect all your architectural metal curtain wall finishes.

Our Technical Consulting Services division be pleased to consult with you and provide professional knowledge, expertise and a long-lasting and cost-effective curtain wall cleaning, curtain wall refinishing and curtain wall restoration specification that will refurbish, improve, recondition, restore and protect all your architectural metal finishes.

United States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan.

York Property Company Inc. ©  2022   I   Precision Curtain Well Restoration at the Right Price.